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The Annual Grace Church Choir Raffle will take place on Sunday, June 10, 2018. The drawing will held during the fabulously beautiful picnic after the 11am church service.

All of the items will be on display, and there will be plenty of paper tickets for sale at the raffle, itself--we accept cash or checks! Of course, we also LOVE pre-purchased tickets.You can buy paper tickets from your favorite chorister family, or online tickets here until Saturday, June 9. 

You do not have to be present to win! If you cannot attend or need to leave early, we will contact you tell tell you where and when to pick up your items. WE DO NOT SHIP ITEMS. IF you live out of town, see the above menu for important information.

This is one of our favorite events of the year! We have our fingers crossed for a coll, sunny day and a wonderful summer send off for Dr. Allen and all the choristers after their hard work this year--the 123rd season of the Grace Church Choir.